Thursday, December 1, 2016

Updates on the Disclaimer and Home page

Well the title pretty much sums it all up.
But to read more, please click the link below.....

I updated the Disclaimer page by adding some links to credit the resources used on my site. (Wow, that's a long sentence) I rearranged some of the paragraphs to make it a bit more organized. And I added a section at the bottom which goes into detail about my personal faith and active Christian lifestyle.

For the Home page,
I've taken off the twitter feed. I don't need the twitter anymore, since I'm posting my updates to here now. So instead, there's a nice little link to my blog. I didn't delete my twitter, in case I wanted to use it again one day. But it will no longer be used on the site. And I will be removing it from the other pages as well. It's going to take a while to do that. But I'm going to do it.
I'm also going to update the navigation. BLAH!
 It is a MUCH needed update. I hate how the navigation looks. It was cute for a while. But it's disgusting to me now. (Hence the picture of Johnny Depp sticking his tongue out)
I'm not sure what I want to do with it. But you can be sure that I will be changing that VERY soon.

Well, that's all for now.
It's officially December!! So go bask in the new air.
Thanks for reading,

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